About BookishSG.com

BookishSG.com has a simple aim: to find the best place to buy books.

We do not sell or publish books.

BookishSG.com does not sell books. It does not publish books. This site looks up book prices on leading book retailers locally and internationally. It does some work towards figuring out the shipping costs but for many sites this is still an estimate. In all cases the 'Standard' shipping is used. It is up to you to confirm the exact price (including shipping) you will pay before you submit your order.

Note: For the international sites like the Amazon's and The Book Depositories (US and UK stores for both), the prices are converted into Singapore Dollars. This is an inexact science and may not reflect the exchange rate Mr Visa finally chooses to charge you. Treat it as a guide.

Okay then, who are you?

BookishSG.com is Brian Ellison. A guy with an idea (okay, so it's not that original and I've borrowed ideas from other price comparison sites). I just thought I'd give it a go.

And thank you.

Thanks for using this site . Please let me know if you find any errors or have any suggestions.

Happy shopping and good reading,
Brian Ellison

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While I have tried my best, there is no guarantee that the data shown on this site (book prices or postage) are accurate. Always check the prices and postage on the web site before making any purchase. Please also note that including a site in the search result does not indicate any endorsement by this site or its owner. I may not have ever brought a book from them. But no-one ever reads the small print, so I'm probably the only one who knows this.

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